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Annual International Seminar - 2019

Writer: EJK World UnionEJK World Union

The annual Hapkido and Taekgyeon seminar will be held from July 3rd to the 17th.


Grandmaster Ju has announced the dates and schedule for the 2019 International Seminar. The Hapkido and Taekgyeon seminar will take place between the dates of July 3rd and July 17th. The scheduled program is:

Wed. 3 July : Arrivals *Hapkido and Taekgyeon Seminar in 2019*

Date: 3rd of July to 19th of July

*International Taekgyeon competition and International Martial Arts Competition* Date: 13th of July to 15th of July.

Please be informed of you that there will be a general regular meeting with EulJiKwan World Union members and Hapkido test as well.

2019년 한국 합기도.택견세미나 일시 2019년 7원3일 부터7월19일 까지이고 7월13.14.15일은 국제택견대회 와 국제무예대회. 심사.각국대표 회의가 있습니다.

Wed. 3 July


Thur. 4 July Am. 준비운동, 자세, Warm Up / Steps / Stances Pm. 손목술 (한손), Wrist Grab Defense (One hand)

Fri. 5 July Am. 산 운동, 발차기, Mountain Training / Kicks Pm. 손목술, 안손목, 양손목, Wrist Grab Defense (2 hands, Crossed)

Sat. 6 July Am. 의복술 (전면), Front Clothes Grab Defense Pm. 의복술 (후면), Back Clothes Grab Defense

Sun. 7 July Am. 국제 축구 게임, International Soccer Games Pm. 전후면호신술, Front & Back Assault Self Defense

Mon. 8 July Am. 여행, Tour & Cultural Visit Pm. 여행 / 자율운동, Tour / Free Training and Review

Tues. 9 July Am. 산 운동, 발차기, Mountain Training / Kicks Pm. 방권술 / 방족술, Punch Defense / Kick Defense

Wed. 10 July Am. 방투술, Throwing Defense Pm. 방검술 / 형, Knife Defense / Forms

Thur. 11 July Am. 연행술, Walk Arrest Techniques Pm. 체포술 / 형, Control Arrest Techniques / Forms

Fri. 12 July Am. 택견운동, Teakgyeon Training Pm. 대회준비, Competition Preparation

Sat. 13 July Am. Opening Ceremony - 택견대회, Teakgyeon Competition Pm. 택견대회 - Teakgyeon Competition, (Wrestling/Kicks/Freestyle Demo) Official Meeting of the Euljikwan World Union (Arrival, Presentation, General Assembly, Award Ceremony)

Sun. 14 July Am. 합기도대회- Hapkido Competition Pm. 합기도대회 - Hapkido Competition, (Self Defense/Kicks/Falls/Freestyle Demo)

Mon. 15 July Am. 여행, Tour & Cultural Visit Pm. 여행 / 자율운동, Tour / Free Training and Review

Tues. 16 July Am. 단봉술, Short Stick Techniques Pm. 단장술, Cane Techniques

Wed. 17 July Am. 심사준비, Test Preparation Pm. 심사준비 / 자율운동, Test Preparation / Free Review

Thur. 18 July Am. 심사 - Black Belt Test, Diploma/Certificate Ceremony Pm. Seminar Closing Ceremony and Good Bye Party

Fri. 19 July



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